Thursday, December 18, 2008

All too fast...

"I'm getting married, mommy!"
"Oh, really? To whom?"
"To you, mommy!"
"Wow, really?"
"Yes, hold my hand... let's Go!"


Megan Hauze said...

Hey it's Megan (Bonner) Hauze. I found your blog and I am so glad. I left a comment on yours a couple of blogs ago, but I am not sure if you got it or not. You family is so cute. It is so fun to see your two littles ones. Pretty soon I will have three little ones, yes I am having Triplets. Who would have thought? Well I am going to continue to blog stalk you! So good to see your fam!

Michelle M said...

Susie comes up with such funny things to say! She's such a clever girl.

Rock, Paper, Scissors said...

At least she only thinks she has ONE prospect. Paisley is interested in William (preschool) and our prefered choice: Nephi.