Monday, January 18, 2010

Santa Came Early

About a week before Christmas, Santa left a note for Susie in our mail box. He told her that he was going to be passing by Chicago and that he would drop off some of her and Lennon's Christmas presents early so we wouldn't have to find a way of bringing them back home from Utah (where we would be for Christmas)..... SO thoughtful of him! :)
Susie and I left out a plate of cookies and a cup of hot chocolate for Santa, and a plate of carrots for Rudolf.

Santa left a very-nice, fixed-up, looks-like-new (but isn't) bike for Susie!

Mr. Clause worked very hard to make this bike look so great... he cleaned it, replaced the handle bars, put on streamers and a horn, and even added Dora stickers! (Wish I would have taken a "before" picture to show how drastically better it looks!) I just LOVE Mr. Clause... he's so sweet!

Lenny loved his Elmo Airplane toy!

After the presents were open I asked Susie what her favorite gift was... thinking that the answer was obvious: the bike of course! But, Susie told me that her favorite present was a little-people Princess and Carriage toy she received!... that just made me chuckle! She loved her bike, but hasn't been able to use it much with all the snow and all!

Thanks for stopping by Santa!

1 comment:

Michelle M said...

I love that you left carrots for Rudolph! So clever!