Saturday, March 19, 2011


Wow, I can hardly believe that we have about reached the time for residency! Crazy how time moves by in what feels like a blink!!!
Well, we found out this week just where residency will be....

Boston, Massachusetts!

We are super excited (I'm excited to be a 4 hour drive from NYC, one of my favorite places!). It's going to be an interesting move considering that we are in LA for the next few months... we'll be moving from sea to shining sea!

Dave has worked so hard to get to this point and I'm just so so proud of him!


vickersfam said...

I've been thinking of you lately, April. Congrats on residency in Boston! I hope it all goes well for Dave and your whole family. What another great adventure!

Guess what? We're back in Utah. Let me know the next time you visit (and have time...that can be tricky while trying to see family), because I'd love to get together!
Much love,

grahamkrackers said...

Yay! Congrats! So excited for you guys! Boston sounds like a huge fun! We should try to get together some time before you guys leave California. Maybe we should meet up at Disneyland one day! Can't wait to catch up!

Jessye said...

Congrats! That is so exciting. Boston will be so fun and a great time for the family. You are close to so many interesting places to take a quick trip to! Good luck with the move and everything...isn't your stuff here? If so I hope we get to see you before you move on! I am so happy for you guys.

Leslie said...

wow! i hadn't heard.
this is exciting news. i have been to boston a couple of times... the last time being the year that aaron passed away. i am so glad we got to take such a fun vacation that year while he was still with us.

you will love it there. it is so close to SO much beauty...

love you.

Turner said...

Um... Mark's best friend lived in Boston for 4 years! I love that place. Don't even question, I am coming to see you, with my kids. I don't know how we'll do it, but we will!!! WooHoo. If you need anyone to talk to about where to live, call me, I can give you our friends number. So awesome, you'll love it.

Gary and Kirsten said...

I have wanted to go to Boston for quite some time, now I have to. I will make sure to let you know when we are coming so we can visit you. What a big change for your family. I really miss seeing you in Chicago. Whenever I am there I glance towards your house and remember seeing your kids outside playing.

Anonymous said...

hi, you wouldn't by chance be the dave april who once have lived in miami fl. at some point would ya?
would love to chat at

leah said...

Hi April. I just noticed the cute baby girl thing on your sidebar - and I think we are due the same day! Aug 27th? Anyways congrats! And congrats on residency! I hope your are loving Boston.

Leslie said...

so, i am wondering...

did you ever make it to boston?

hahaha. just kidding.

sure wish you would update this!!!

i need to call you!

Leslie said...

you are in boston?
who knew? :)