Sunday, February 10, 2008

Snow Day

Notice how the snow is plastered on the side of these trees. When it snows here it is violent and ug-a-ly! The wind throws the snow, which really feels like millions of needles, hard into your face... and if you stood outside long enough, you'd look like these trees.

This is Susie in front of the Dr. Scholl foot clinic that Dave has/will get clinical experience.

I get crazy staying indoors as much as I have been lately... But, it has been way too cold to go out. We had some 'nicer' weather and I took a walk outside with Susie; she loved to smash the snow down with her feet and to just run out in the open. I never knew such cold until I moved to Chicag-ee, burrrrr!!!


Leslie said...

suzy is getting prettier and prettier. aaron jr has reached the point where he doesn't touch anything when his hands are messy and he just holds them out and say 'ew' until i wash them.
you look adorable in that hat april. knowing how cold it must have still been that day that you went out... oh man... i hate the cold.
cute posts.

leah said...

April you are so beautiful. I love checking you blog. Susie is darling. What a great family to be in. I just talked to you mom to get her address. I love her and I am so sorry that you are all hurting. Hope you have a great day.

Scott and Mal said...

Wow, I miss you guys! And I miss the snow! We could split that in half and let us boring californians enjoy some! Susie is beautiful and I can't wait to see her again! And, you are gorgeous as ever! I miss you guys and we need to talk soon!