Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Once there was a SNOWMAN, SNOwman, snowman...

The kids and I (mostly I) built a snowman yesterday. Lennon was very angry to be outside in the cold, but I let him tough it out (it wasn't that cold... really). And, Susie wanted to eat the snowman more than build it. It was fun anyhow.
The snowman has already begun to melt (by rain, not sun).


Michelle M said...

Impressive. You know it's sad that with all the snow we've had out here, I haven't been out to enjoy it once.

Leslie said...

i like how you made your title appear as though IT is melting. that was great. :)
great snowman. aaron jr doesn't love to be in the snow for very long either. :)
looking forward to seeing you guys soon.
love you.

Anonymous said...

Can't decide if that is cute or scary....you guys are funny-but Susy and Lennon sure are adorable.

Kim said...

April... isn't it sad that you can make a snowman when it is basically April? Ug, this midwest weather is driving me crazy! But kudos to you for making a snowman with Susie and a newborn :)