Saturday, May 16, 2009

Last Chance Dance

I flew to Utah last month not only to see my family, but also to DANCE! My amazing High School dance teacher, Bonnie Pierce, is retiring this year and asked Alumni to come and dance in her final concert. There was no way I was going to miss it!
Me and Bon. I just love this woman! She is one of those people that have influenced my life in such a grand way that I really don't know where I would be without her. I am forever grateful for the teacher, friend, and mentor she has been for me. Here are some of the Alumni who dared to dance again... even with our "mommy" bodies!
My friend Trish and I, practicing our side jete's before one of the performances. (I really should be pointing my toes a lot better than that!)
Since I live a few states over from Utah, I missed almost every practice and rehearsal. But, luckily, my friend, Trisha helped me learn my parts... Thanks Trish!
Me, Em's, and Trish. Love these girls to bits!
Trish, Me, and Jami. Such a pleasure to dance with them again!
My sister-in-law, Leslie, took these pictures of one of the performances. Thanks, Les!
This picture shows some of the girls that I danced with back in the day.
Left to Right: Suzanne (one of my drill advisor's-- amazing dancer and choreographer!), Jessica, Me, Nicole, Megan (she recently had triplets that are just adorable!), Trish-the-Dish, Steph (Pregnant with her first, yay!), and Jami.I hope this picture doesn't give you nightmares (they actually looked much worse in real life). I got so many HUGE blisters on my feet, from dancing in my bare feet. My feet used to have thick, wonderful (yet very ugly to most) callused soles that I could pirouette on with ease. But, since I hadn't danced for a while, that wasn't the case.
Unfortunately, all of my blisters decided to open-up the night of our first performance... oh, man, it even hurt to walk, let alone turn and leap! But, with lots of medical tape and very deep breaths, I was able to dance my heart out.


Scott and Mal said...

This looks like so much fun!! I wish we lived in utah so we could have come and watched!!

Jeff and aimie said...

April That looked like a lot of fun!! I didnt know that you danced! That is really cool!!

Turner said...

Your pictures are way better than mine! Love the post. See you sooner than later.

Michelle M said...

You have the SAME body you used to have silly! Yes, your feet look gross. You were lucky to get together with your old gang; I'd love that opportunity to get together with my old tennis chums!

Alexandra said...

Looks like you had so much fun! I miss dancing with you. It seems like it was so long ago.

leah said...

OUCH! I cannot get over your poor feet.
I love all of the family pis. What a darling bunch you are.

Anonymous said...

Sheesh! Talk about discipline, I've always admired your talent - I had not idea what it does to you feet...

Gary and Kirsten said...

What a great opportunity for you to dance with some friends again. You looked fabulous! I'll bet you picked it all up quickly. I hope your feet are feeling better.