Sunday, December 19, 2010

Here, There, and Everywhere

Wow. Life has been a bit crazy lately... an adventure to say the least. We moved from Chicago, our home for the last 3 and 1/2 years, this past August. Since then, we have lived in Michigan, Utah, Washington, California, and now... New Mexico. And, our traveling is not done yet...
Dave is in his final months of Medical school (MONTHS!!!). Each month he has a new externship (clerkship) in a new area throughout the US. The kids and I have been fortunate to travel to most of them with him. We get to experience an unknown land (unknown to us that is), and best of all be with Dave. It has been quite an adventure, but one can only be uprooted for so long before missing a place to call "home". It will be nice to have that again... in the not-too-far future. So for now, we will enjoy our journeying to here, there, and everywhere!


Anonymous said...


My best buddy is in New Mexico Albequerque....are you near there..she has five kids and would be a great contact for you!


leah said...

Hi April,
That is crazy but congrats on the final months. I am excited for you to be able to have a new place to call home soon. xo