Wednesday, June 24, 2009

"Don't talk with your mouth full!"

Lennon was chewing on my cell phone... and when Susie saw it, she said,
"Lennon, don't TALK with your mouth FULL!"I'm pretty sure that she did not intend such a pun, but it sure made me chuckle.


Michelle M said...

Ha ha... good one Susie. Beware with cell phones and body fluids- when Dayton was a baby, he peed on my mom's cell phone (while she was talking on it, ha!) and it malfunctioned. Still a hilarious memory! Let's hope Lennon's drool is not as potent.

paulandeliza said...

I can't believe how fast he is growing. soo adorable! miss you guys!

grahamkrackers said...

Susie is so funny! We love her little personality.

Leslie said...

cute story and photo.

are those photos of lake michigan the same place you took us when we came in november? glad you had a fun time with dorothy.

it was so neat there.

leah said...

So cute. He is so so handsome.
Susie is bubbling over with personality. I love it.