Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Summer Vacation... First stop: California.

We had quite an adventure this summer... lots to see and do! We started with a flight to California to visit both of Dave's brother's and their families. We had an absolute blast while visiting.
Susie and Jakson were beach-buddies. They just played and played as the waves came crashing to their feet. A nice way to warm up after being in the cool ocean water... just a little messy.Dave and his brother Scott rented a long board, hoping to catch a wave... unfortunately, the ocean wasn't cooperating. Still fun though.

Susie and Quink.
It was HOT where we were staying... over 100 everyday. So, we spent a couple days at a nearby pool. We had a major scare one day at the pool. Susie had been on one of the "floaties" (as pictured). I thought Dave was watching her and Dave thought the opposite. No sound was heard... so nothing seemed wrong. But, luckily Dave's mother had a feeling to move the floaty that Susie had been on... and when she did, we saw that Susie was completely underneath the water desperately trying to swim up to the surface. It was the most horrifying thing I have ever seen. My beautiful child fighting for her life. After we pulled her out of the water she gave a few good coughs and started crying. Oh, how grateful I am that Dorothy had that prompting to move the swim toy and more importantly that she followed that prompting. We have no idea how long she was under, because no one heard her fall in and she was hidden by the floaty that was hovering over her. We definitely hugged Susie a little tighter after that experience.

Lot's of Rockband at Scott and Mal's! I about peed my pants laughing at myself and other's trying to sing, drum, or strum! So fun.

We all went mini-golfing one night. I just loved how much Dorothy seemed to enjoy it. If you made the ball into a certain hole at the end of the course, then a flashing light and siren would erupt and a ticket for a free game was given to the skilled mini-golfer. Well, Dave made it and won the ticket... then, I had my turn to show that I could do anything the hub could do, and luckily my mini-golf skills pulled through and I won a ticket as well! Fun, fun.

Cute, prego Kaily taking a swing.

Quincy, Jakson, and Susie.
These three cousin's had a great time together. Way cute, way sweet kiddo's!

Oh Ya! Work it, Scott!
Scott and Mal took us to this AMAZING lake (forgot it's name). It was gorgeous... almost looked fake, it was so beautiful (the pictures do not give it justice)! Dave, Scott, Susie, and I broke out the wet-suits for a swim. We all (excluding Susie) swam to a nearby island, then ventured around... so so fun! Just loved it!

Thanks Rob & Kaily, and Scott & Mal!!!

We had a great time and miss you all!


DREW and MICHELLE said...

It sounds like you had a lot of fun! THANK HEAVEN that Suzie is okay! That made my heart drop into my stomach when I read about her under water! You guys are such a cute family!

Michelle M said...

I almost thought you guys were seals in those wet-suits! Ha ha.

christa said...

Looks like tons of fun! I'm in need of a nice California vacation! Glad you guys had such a good time.

Kjell Tore said...

I love to take a look at your side.. So much fun..
We have got the first snow here in Norway,, beuatiful.
Next week my dear - Karen and I take a tour to Egypt,,
We wich you all a good time ..

Kjell Tore - Bergen - Norway