Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Summer Vacation... Final destination: Utah

After lots of miles traveled by trains, planes, and automobiles (well, the only train was the one at the zoo), we made it back to Utah for our last days of vacation. This picture of Susie just yells, "vacation!" doesn't it?! Cheeto in one hand and having no pressure to dress to impress!Susie just loves her Bestemore.Pearl girl showing off her nicely-made line of rocks...Isaac coming in for a messy kiss.Grandpa and cute Ava.


My joy of a sister, Sadie with Susie and I.
My family grew up camping, but we had not gone for quite a while. It was so nice to go somewhere so beautiful together in a setting that reminds us of childhood.
My dad and Aaron Jr. showing off the fish that had been caught so-far.Dave, Susie, and my dad.
My brother Steve reeling in a catch.The men setting up camp.
Mmmm, roasted marshmellows! Dave and Grace.Aaron Jr. asleep in Bestemore's arms.Dave with Aaron Jr.Nick and smiley Ava.
Malia mountain biking :)
Ava and Aaron Jr.
Lennon ready to go on our hike.
Isaac was so sweet with Lennon.
Dave, Nick, and Steve ready for the mountain.

Susie, Pearl, and Lennon enjoying the tent. I think Susie liked the tent more than any other aspect of camping.

Our summer traveling was fun and exhausting... it really is amazing how far we traveled and how much we jammed in. Good times!

1 comment:

Michelle M said...

I laughed when I saw the exer-saucer on the camping trip!