Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Summer Vacation... Next stop: a day in Utah, then off to Denver!

After California, we drove all the way to Utah with Dave's mom, Dorothy. Dorothy and I took turns sitting (smashed) between our kids two car seats... yeah, couldn't wait to arrive to our destination.
After one day in Utah, Dave, the kids, and I took off to Rocky Mountain High, Colorado... to see my returning-missionary cousin, Trgyve, and my other relatives that live in the Denver area. My parents took Lennon on their flight with them (so nice)... while Susie, Dave and I drove (another long drive!) with my brother, Steve and his family (so nice).

Super Slide

I just love this picture, because it shows just how much FUN this home-made, super water slide was! My aunt Marty and Uncle Ole have made it a tradition with their family... and what a fun tradition it is!Upper-left: Cousin Tryg (seeing if wearing a trash bag would up the speed). Upper-right: Leslie and Aaron Jr. holding hands down the slide. Bottom-left: Marty, Autumn, Ole, and Erin all holding Autties quads (such troopers these boys were!). Bottom-right: Sister and brother... my mom and Ole sharing a ride!Our family

Dave and Lennon (brave boy!)

Me (in the air) and my mom trying the speed of the trash bag.
Marty/Susie/Dave, Lennon, Malia, Dad, and Isaac.
Malia and Susie riding down on noodles.

Three Rumpas Sliding

Oh, man!... this video shows my uncle Kenny (who is not in the best of health, and has a pace-maker in his chest) taking his turn down the slide. He surprised us all by diving onto his belly down the slide (wish I had my camera ready for that one)! And then surprised us again by trying the slide once more (accompanied by Sverre and Dave)! So funny.

Lennon sleeping on Bestemore's shoulder. Sweet.

Alpine Slide

One day while in Colorado, we went to a fun place that had an alpine slide. Dave took Susie down, while I took Lennon. I had never been on one before... pretty fun.

On the way up... you can see the course of the slides in the background.

Susie rode a merry-go-round, thanks to Grandpa, after the alpine slide.

Lennon watching Susie on her ride.

Denver was wonderful, beautiful... we did a lot of fun things... but the best part was seeing family, especially to see a cousin, who is dear to my heart, return home with honor.


Michelle M said...

I love the picture of you and your mom heading down the slide! You're hovering over the slide- you were really going for it!

leah said...

You have such a wonderful family. I love all of the pics, we are going to have to try something like that slide one of these days. It looks like so much fun.