Saturday, July 31, 2010


Dave had an externship in Louisville, Kentucky for a whole month. The kids and I really missed him... so we drove down to visit him over Independence Day weekend. The drive to Kentucky was suppose to take 5 1/2 hours, but it took the kids and I almost 8... poor Susie threw-up all over, while we were in the middle of no-where, and all I had were baby wipes to clean it up, yuck. But... even though the drive was not what I would call fun, it was so worth it to see Dave and spend the great weekend we had with him in Kentucky.

Kentucky Derby
We went to the beautiful Churchill Downs and watched a couple horse races, which were quite
exciting. I especially loved all the ladies in their huge, fancy hats.
Mammoth Cave National Park
Best part of our weekend was camping in Mammoth Cave National Park.
Lennon loving the flashlight:Susie loving her apple:
Here's poor Dave trying to blow up our huge air mattress. Our pump was not working so Dave just laid on the tent floor and blew, blew, blew......
..... and blew, blew, blew!
(Yes, he is under there somewhere still blowing!) To our great surprise, there was a firework display happening miles away that we could see from our tent!!! We all ooohhed and aaahhed while lying in our little tent in the forest... it was awesome! Susie enjoying the Kentucky wilderness:
While packing-up camp the next morning, we found this tick buried into Dave's skin. We checked everyone else thoroughly and found another one in Susie's back! Yuck!
We saw this turtle trying to cross the road... he was probably trying to get to the other side (wah, wah), but we thought we'd put him somewhere safe, after holding him for a while. :)
Mammoth Cave
We got to go on a tour of one of the caves in the National Park. It was "grand, gloomy, and a peculiar place" as put by our tour guide.
Excited Susie first entering the cave:
Susie and Lennon inside the cave... they're so cute!:
Susie exploring part of the cave (she looks like a hunchback with her jacket covering her backpack!):
It was a fun weekend... the best part was seeing Dave! So so glad he's back!!!


Michelle M said...

When you mentioned the ladies in fancy hats at the horse races, it made me think of Pretty Woman when she went to the polo matct- ha ha.
I'm impressed that Dave blew up the air mattress by mouth.
That tick grossed me out, and I'm terrified of finding one on me or my kids someday. Don't you have to burn it off or something? Doesn't the head break off inside you if you pull on it? (shudder)

jensenfamily said...

very cool cave. It was good seeing you in LA.
