Monday, July 26, 2010

Susie's Preschool Graduation/Moving Forward

Susie LOVED preschool this year! She learned so much and made new friends. I was truly amazed with her increased knowledge... she can figure out simple addition and subtraction problems, she's writing letter's and small words... she has just amazed me!!! I'm so proud of my sweet girl!
Her preschool class had a "graduation/moving up" celebration at the end of the school year. The children sang songs, recited a poem, parents shared special thoughts about their children, etc.
Susie with her "diploma":
Susie's School Friends...Susie's Teachers...
Miss Sam: Miss Sandi (Susie's "favorite"): Susie was asked what she wanted to be when she grows up and she said "A Princess" of course! She's already our Princess :) ...
Video of Susie singing one of her preschool songs...

1 comment:

Gary and Kirsten said...

Susie did a wonderful job with the words to the song. She is growing up way too fast!