Thursday, November 1, 2007

Halloween Party at the Whiting's Cave

Tricky Treats... a hand coming out of veggie dip (just carrots with almond slices for fingernails) and skeleton cupcakes (pretty easy to make, but must have patience and a steady hand... lots of them looked like they had deformed bones or scoliosis). Carameled apples and other yummy treats were had!

This is my favorite Halloween decoration. My mom gave it to me... and it just makes my whole body smile... I especially love how the witch is gazing into her bony-dance-partner's eyes... so romantic!

Wicked Company... Dave was a podiatrist, oops, I mean a butcher; I was a what-I-could- find-around-the-house.

"Father" Garrett and Mindy (Mindy won best costume for "the pregnant nun"... she's really pregnant by the way, due in about two weeks). Doctors Dustin and Jess.
Beer-belly Truck-driver Krista (pregnant, due in about a week) and Ping-pong champion Adam. Doctor Russell and little-girl-in-onesie Kristen (where in the world do you find a onesie pj for an adult?!).
Fairy Princess Natalie and Cowboy Dan. Mother Mary Danny holding Baby Jesus (J. J.) and Joseph Jared (glasses were not part of his costume... they were for a game).

Ghoulish Games... what great sports our company was! We made them play some silly games, but it was great fun.
The 1st game was called the mitten/glasses/unwrap game. There were two packages, wrapped feverishly with packing tape; when you have a package you have to, first put on mittens and crazy glasses that are hard to see out of (and that make you look quite goofy), then try to unwrap the package before the next person rolls a 7 or 11 with dice, once they do you have to pass the package over. Who ever gets it open gets the prize inside. It was really hard to get the package open wearing mittens... sometimes the person next to you would roll a 7 or 11 before you even got the mittens on. It was a hoot!
We also played playdough-ary (like pictionary, but instead of drawing you would mold with playdough). It was boys against girls and the boys won (by cheating).

Good thing ping-pong Adam has his sweat-band on for this game!
We would have never gotten the packages open if it weren't for Cowboy Dan... he was a wild man when trying to rip open the packages (somehow he didn't end up with a prize though). Notice that his wife, Natalie, is leaning away with fright... those arms were flailing and teeth were gnashing!
I love the intensity and seriousness in everyone's faces while molding their playdough.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

looks like a lot of fun. it also looks like you have made a lot of friends there. i am so glad.