Sunday, October 11, 2009

Lightning Bug... and Alien Insects hatching on our tree!

Lightning Bug

One of my favorite things about summer in Illinois is the lightning bugs. They make the evenings just magical! They aren't out for very long, just a few weeks or so.
We would go outside almost every night, while they were in full glow, to watch in awe as they danced up and down in the night, and to try and catch one. I never caught one, but every time Dave came out, with Susie and I, he was able to do so. Susie loved holding them and seeing them up close. A fascinating insect indeed.

Alien Insect

Susie and I were happily playing tag around the trunk of our front yard tree, when I spotted this scary site:

A bizarre bug leaving it's former body behind? Or an Alien? You decide.

A strange twist to this bug/alien thing: There were many of these on our tree months ago... and now, right where their previous bodies were left behind are weird wooden protrusions growing out from the tree. What are these thing?!


Michelle M said...

That bug is G-R-O-S-S!! I would have freaked if I saw it.

Megan Hauze said...

How gross. My sister lives in MD and has all sorts of weird, nasty bugs in her yard. The worst part is that her 3 GIRLS bring them to her as presents. Ugh! I hope my boys keep the yucky creepy crawlies outside!

Leslie said...

we LOVED catching fireflies when we were little. it was one of our favorite past times as children. :)
glad you are getting to experience that.

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