Tuesday, October 13, 2009

To: Trish-the-Dish...

My friend Trish flew out to visit for a few days this past September. It almost feels like she never came at all, because it went by SO fast... we just had SO much fun with her and her sweet Laird!

Lincoln Park Zoo

We drove straight to Lincoln Park Zoo after she landed. This is Laird, Trish, and half of Susie looking at some kangaroos.Checking out the penguins.

Shedd Aquarium, Millennium Park, the City...
The Shedd is always a site to see. The kids loved it... and us adults did too (except the part where Susie ran away from me, and put me into a frantic search for her, argh!). :)
Lennon wanted to join in with the 'big' kids.
Laird and Susie playing with some sea creatures. Poor Laird was so sweet the whole trip, and Susie was often not-so-sweet to him... yet, soon after he left she cried about wanting to play with Laird again!
Eating lunch as the dolphins swam by... pretty cool.
This is a crazy looking sea-horse!
Laird and Sus.
Susie's favorite part about our Shedd trip was getting dressed up as a penguin. Here she is sitting so protectively on a penguin egg...... but, soon she was trying to eat the very egg she had been trying to protect.
Trish, Me, Susie, Lennon, and half of Laird on the left. Love this huge American Gothic statue.

Laird standing next to one of the two water towers in millennium park.Susie splashing around the water display.

Our day in the city was a ton of fun, but crazy! We walked a million miles up and down and around the city, we carried strollers (loaded with children) up flights of stairs (eventually with some help from strangers), and somehow made it to most of our desired destinations! A day to remember!

Lake Michigan

One of my favorite parts of where we live... Lake Michigan. It was a beautiful day to show off the massive lake to a great friend. Susie played in the water even though it was freezing!

Lennon enjoying his sandy Cheerios! Trish and Laird watching the waves.

White Sox

Trish took us to a White Sox game... SO SO NICE! It was the highlight of her visit for me! We had such a great time... and there was even fireworks afterward!
Susie and Laird shared a seat... they did awesome.Yum, Laird.
Watching the fireworks. It was the best firework show I have ever seen... they choreographed it all to music.

Trish and Laird watching the show.
Trish and I after the game.

What a great visit from a great friend... lots of memories made to laugh over (car seats, my lack of directions for leaving the city, mistaking Soldier Field for the White Sox stadium, Shedd wristband....). Thanks for coming, Trish! It was way too much fun!


Michelle M said...

I love the picture of Lennon smiling in front of the starfish painting. Also, all of Susie's penguin pictures are too funny!

(I wouldn't know the difference between Soldier Field and the White Sox Stadium either.)

Megan Hauze said...

How fun you guys... Jealous! Your kids are so cute.

Leslie said...

wow... looks like a blast with your friend in town.

i can't believe it has been a year since we were there visiting you. i looked back to see our trip, but couldn't find anything from our trip... did you never get around to posting anything? you WERE 9 months prego... so it must have been too busy of a time.

we had fun though.