Monday, October 19, 2009

Susie's First Day of School

Susie started preschool this past September. She was so excited to get to go to school "like Daddy." We felt like she was more than ready for the school scene... and I was ready for her to go too. :) Here are just some of the pictures I took of Susie before she headed off to her first day of school!She conveniently spilt water on her skirt before my photo shoot of her! Little stinkbug!
This picture (above) shows well her excitement, yet a tinge of an unsure expression on her face... excited, but a little nervous about the unknown. On our drive to her first day of school she said to me, "I'll never see Daddy again." It about broke my heart! She must have been thinking that I was going to drop her off and that was it, goodbye! I explained to her that she would be at school for just a little part of the day, then I would pick her up and bring her back home with our family. She parroted back my reassuring words to make sure she had heard right... and when I confirmed the words, she smiled.


Michael said...

She's going to be a heartbreaker!

Hope you guys are doing well!

Michelle M said...

The timeliness of your posts always makes me laugh. I forgot to take pictures of Dayton before school, so I grabbed my camera and took one of him AT school when I picked him up. I need to work on my "mom" skills.

April said...

...ya, I get just a little behind!

Leslie said...

school? what on earth? these kids are NOT growing up this fast.